Friday, November 6, 2009

How do we make Africa cleaner and prettier too?

This is my opinion. We can clean up the water, build a water system to have clean water, have no coal plants, recycle gold, bricks, hays, paper, bottles, cans, boxes, shoes, steel, and plastic containers too. We can finally build factories to recycle these items. What do you think?

How do we make Africa cleaner and prettier too?
I think you are dreaming.

I was part of a group that was quoting a new water system for a country in western Africa. When we met with the president there he was more interested in building a TV station to broadcast tales of his glory than a water purification system. He also offered to finance the project by paying us in blood diamonds which he said we could smuggle back into our country.
Reply:good plan, but, just leave it to Oprah!
Reply:Initially I agree with answer 2 in that it's largely driven by politics. No offense; but in Africa politics and RULE are tenuous at best.

Recycling is a situation that is extremely expensive in the process. Obviously the notion is valid; but to create processing and operate such; is probably something that could take years to balance on some scale of cost versus effect and benefit. When you say "WE" whom are you speaking of? Recycling needs a Global Conciousness; but certainly can exist in Pockets, all over the globe.

Another issue is the social conciousness of a country or group of countries on any one continent. I'll give you an example in a microcosm. Unless it's dictated (and that should never become the case) I might go to great lengths to recycle from home; while my neighbor does not. That might instill some doubt in me as to the validity and possible success of the scheme.

If we stopped our dependance on; or at least curbed our dependance on Crude Oil; and profits made from it; we'd likely HAVE to do more recycling; and we've already done a huge amount of damage to our air/ water/ land; that would take years to repair, even if we stopped using crude TODAY.

No offense meant at all; but I still wonder whom you mean by "WE"? Obviously Africa is in turmoil on multiple levels; and reversal is a challenge as daunting as expecting Nigeria to one day be able to orbit the moon; but without question; IT and the rest of the planet are worth saving. We have nowhere else to go for one thing; nor the means to get anywhere.

Steven Wolf
Reply:It's nice to have people like you who would like improve the undeveloped parts of Africa.

it's a very long process that may take decades to prepare.

I think preparing for water dams, Electrical Power via wind or water current and search for local fuel supply should be first considered.
Reply:Sorry, that is too simplistic of an answer.

The problems start with politics

Most african countries that are run by dictators , that rape the countries wealth to stay in power and finance huge overseas bank accounts for if they are deposed.

Staying in power takes lots of money to buy armies and bribe, people to give timely information on enemies.

The last thing these "rulers" think about is helping the ordinary people...Until true democracy and honest polititions (if there is such an animal) can be in charge and work for the people instead of themselves, Africa will never change.
Reply:Great idea. Just two problems. Where will you get the money for this? And what will you do with the Africans? Oh, and who is this "we" you are talking about. Leave me out if you don't mind. I'm not interested.

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